Dear friends and family,
We’re heartbroken by the global pandemic that’s destroying so many lives. While we had hoped that the virus would have been contained enough for us to have our wedding as planned next month, at this point it seems that it’s not possible for us to celebrate together in person.
We’re still getting married on June 20 and looking for ways that we can celebrate virtually together. We’re not quite sure what the situation will be by then, and what our options will be, but we’ll update this site as we figure this out. Please let us know if you have suggestions on how we can help make this a more interactive and inclusive event.
We look forward to hosting a reception where our friends and family can all celebrate together when it’s safe to do so. We’re investigating rescheduling at a time that’s reasonably far out in the future to make sure that this is all behind this. While we may not be able to celebrate with you in person on the day of our wedding, we look forward to celebrating with you in the future!